These blocks are used measuring control and regulatory circuits. they provide a clear functional advantage for devices having utility instruments and associated ckt4u disconnection is achieved by lifting a lever which operates the knife contact. Specially designed socket headed screws act as test monitoring...
These blocks are used measuring control and regulatory circuits. they provide a clear functional advantage for devices having utility instruments and associated ckt4sp disconnection is achieved by lifting a lever which operates the knife contact. Specially designed socket headed screws act as test monitoring...
These blocks are used measuring control and regulatory circuits. they provide a clear functional advantage for devices having utility instruments and associated ckt4sp disconnection is achieved by lifting a lever which operates the knife contact. Specially designed socket headed screws act as test monitoring...
These blocks are used measuring control and regulatory circuits. they provide a clear functional advantage for devices having utility instruments and associated cyk4 disconnection is achieved by lifting a lever which operates the knife contact. Specially designed socket headed screws act as test monitoring...
These blocks are used measuring control and regulatory circuits. they provide a clear functional advantage for devices having utility instruments and associated ckt4u disconnection is achieved by lifting a lever which operates the knife contact. Specially designed socket headed screws act as test monitoring...
These blocks are used measuring control and regulatory circuits. they provide a clear functional advantage for devices having utility instruments and associated cyk4 disconnection is achieved by lifting a lever which operates the knife contact. Specially designed socket headed screws act as test monitoring...
These blocks are used measuring control and regulatory circuits. they provide a clear functional advantage for devices having utility instruments and associated ckt4u disconnection is achieved by lifting a lever which operates the knife contact. Specially designed socket headed screws act as test monitoring...
These blocks are used measuring control and regulatory circuits. they provide a clear functional advantage for devices having utility instruments and associated ckt4uex disconnection is achieved by lifting a lever which operates the knife contact. Specially designed socket headed screws act as test monitoring...
These blocks are used measuring control and regulatory circuits. they provide a clear functional advantage for devices having utility instruments and associated transformers.In CKT4UH disconnection is achieved by simply lifting a lever by hand which operates the knife contact. Specially designed socket headed screws act...
These blocks are used measuring control and regulatory circuits. they provide a clear functional advantage for devices having utility instruments and associated cyk4 disconnection is achieved by lifting a lever which operates the knife contact. Specially designed socket headed screws act as test monitoring...
These blocks are used measuring control and regulatory circuits. they provide a clear functional advantage for devices having utility instruments and associated ckt4u disconnection is achieved by lifting a lever which operates the knife contact. Specially designed socket headed screws act as test monitoring...
Overview DC Decontactors Heavy Duty Metal Plugs & Sockets are with integral switching device.This design has overcome inherent disadvantages of conventional plug & socket rendering them extremely safe, reliable and long lasting.
PS Range of Plugs & Sockets from BCH combines simplicity, convenience & reliability. It is suitable for your homes, offices, commercial & industrial application & is designed to provide exceptional performance, safety & aesthetics.
Overview SS type Heavy Duty Industrial Plugs and Sockets combine simplicity, convenience and reliability through their unique design which makes use of the concept of spring loaded butt-type contacts instead of the conventional concept of pin-and sleeve type.
Overview BCH Metal Clad Plugs & Sockets are Combination of Reliability, Simplicity &Convenience. It conforms to IS:8804.